
Student Experience

After getting into vet school they brought my experience to a whole new level as the doctors there begin to mentor me in beginning surgeries with shelter dogs. They have taught me how to perform these surgeries and given me the opportunity to further my knowledge inside and out. I have performed multiple surgeries now under their watch and the passion I have for vet med has only bloomed more for me. I guess in the beginning this was considered a job and turned into more of an externship. But regardless for me it has been the opportunity of a lifetime because it’s helped shape me into the person I am today. Someone that steps out of their comfort zone and into the light with a scalpel blade. Daunting, yes but I couldn’t have asked for a better experience that has only made me drive more towards the dream that I’ve always wanted. Not only that but along the way I have gained a second family that has been so supportive of me. I’ve learned to work under circumstances that are unimaginable. Some of these experiences I didn’t realize how important they were to me until this opportunity showed me that I am meant to be a veterinarian because that’s where my passion lies with no doubt. This has been a very meaningful part of my veterinary experience and one that I hope to continue in the future.

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AVMA Resources

Hello Everyone! Don't forget to visit our new resources tab available on The Vet Gazzette!

We've compiled some apps, websites, and more that you may find helpful as you are working through classes, clinic rotations, or studying for the NAVLE!

Have an awesome resource that you believe could help other aspiring veterinarians?  Send it our way at!



Cutest Pet

Mia the Netherland Dwarf Submitted by Cian Pennell, Atlantic Veterinary College



"First Steps" Submitted by Eric Gibbons, University of Florida


Creative Corner

"Free from the Thicket" Submitted by Theo Berlanga, University of Illinois