Entries in mast cell tumor (1)


Cutaneous Mass: A Case Report

Honorable Mention, Cases/Abstracts
Jacquelyn Horner, University of Georgia

1. Subjective:


4 YO male neutered boxer

Wt: 29 kg

Resides in Georgia

Chance is a blood donor for the UGA CVM Teaching Hospital. He undergoes yearly health screenings, which include physical examination, vaccination, and parasite testing. He is presenting today for his annual visit. He is bright, alert, and responsive. There are no abnormalities noted on physical exam, with the exception of a small, cutaneous mass on the lateral right hind leg. He has a BCS of 4/9. His lungs are clear and his heart is loud and strong. The owner states that the mass has been present for at least one year and has not changed in size during that time. It does not seem to bother Chance. The owner has noticed that upon manipulation, the mass undergoes temporary changes such as swelling and redness.

Chance was previously seen for routine bloodwork to be evaluated as a canine blood donor candidate approximately 6 months ago. A series of blood/diagnostic tests were run including: CBC, chemistry, urinalysis, tick panel, parasite smear, fecal flotation, heartworm test, and blood typing. There were no abnormalities found. The superficial mass was noted in the records at that time, but was not further evaluated.

Due to the patient history, breed, and physical exam findings, a fine needle aspirate was taken from the cutaneous mass.


Chance has a cutaneous mass measuring 1cm X 1cm on his right lateral stifle. The fine needle aspirate cytology (Wright’s stain) revealed large numbers of round cells with purple intracytoplasmic granules:

Fine needle aspirate was attempted at the regional popliteal lymph node as well, but it was unsuccessful.

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