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Help fill out this survey - Research on Environmental Sustainability


Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie Schiavone, and I am a 2nd year DVM student at Colorado State University. Last semester I joined a class that actually turned out to be an amazing way for myself and several other students to get our feet in the door with research. Our class mentor, Dr. Colleen Duncan, told us we should seek out a sustainability project we are passionate about. All of us decided on sending out a survey to every AVMA accredited veterinary school with an associated teaching hospital on environmental sustainability in the workplace. The survey is designed to target all employees and students who are undergoing clinical rotations. Our goals for this project are to discover where within the hospital there was a lot of non-sustainable waste being produced and how to better address it to see where changes can be made. Our hope with this study is to publish it to JVME so that we can start to make more sustainable changes in our hospitals and design a better future for ourselves, our furry companions, and our non-furry companions. I hope you can help me by taking 10 minutes out of your day to take this survey. Thank you all so much! 




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