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Let Our Voices Be Heard: A Reflection on AVMA Legislative Fly-In 2020

Written by: Legend Thurman, Chair of the SAVMA Governmental Affairs Committee

In early February, a plethora of veterinary students gathered in our nation’s capitol to participate in the AVMA Governmental Relations Division Legislative Fly-In. Veterinary students flew in from across the country to take part in workshops focused on lobbying, discussion of current issues in the profession, and meetings with congressional staff/representatives on the Hill over the course of two days. This meeting required extensive planning from SAVMA’s Governmental Affairs Committee with the Governmental Relations Division in D.C. SAVMA GAC Co-policy Outreach Coordinator, Morgan Jones, worked with the GRD Staff to facilitate extensive participation from as many veterinary schools accredited by the AVMA to bring in a good representation of the young professionals within the eclectic realms of the field. Several students came back and reflected on their time in Washington as seen below:


“Fly-In was a really eye opening experience in that it showed me just how vital veterinarians are in policy and governmental affairs! It showed me how much our voice is valued and how much insight we can provide on topics ranging from animal welfare all the way to national security and protection.” – Madi Grace Rigdon, LSU College of Veterinary Medicine


“I learned that people are interested in protecting public health and agriculture, but they often don’t understand that those go hand in hand, and they may overlook the role veterinarians play in doing so.” – Bailey Archey, MSU College of Veterinary Medicine


“Every day there is legislation introduced that could harm, impede or change our profession. Without a constant presence in Capital Hill, these bills can possibly become laws, and our profession would be negatively impacted. That is why it is very important we unite as a strong presence on Capitol Hill and lobby for our profession.” – Ashley Ferguson, Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine


Some of the issues discussed during the meeting included the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, One Health Initiatives including Emergency Preparation, Funding of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, and so much more. There is a feeling of empowerment among students knowing that they have a voice that is vital and heard in communicating our opinions and concerns for the future of the field and how it will impact the world on a holistic level. We take an oath to protect public health, and this zeal is what fuels our every initiative we bring to the table and carry with us as we become professionals. It truly is Our Passion and Our Profession.

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