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How to Remain Positive in this Pandemic

Despite all the memes cirulating around trying to make light of the situation, this is an extremely difficult time for everyone right now. Students are being forced to move home, white coat ceremonies and commencement ceremonies are being cancelled left and right. People's lives are in danger. It seems almost impossible to find positivity in such a dark time.

AVMA recorded a bonus episode of My Veterinary Life Podcast w/Dr. Jen Brandt, AVMA’s Director of Member Wellbeing.

This is focused on *wellbeing during the COVID outbreak*.

She shares some great insights and fantastic ideas to promote wellbeing, beyond hand washing and social distancing, during this time of uncertainty.

 Take some time to listen to it, and let us here at the Vet Gazette know what you are doing to stay positive! We would love to share your stories!

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