Entries in Halloween (3)


Virtual Student Halloween Party Hosted by The Bridge Club and IDEXX

COVID-19 putting a damper on your halloween plans this year?  Then we have something for you!  The Bridge Club and IDEXX are graciously hosting a VIRTUAL halloween party, just for veterinary students!  Read below for more details!

About this Event

Students, we know you miss seeing and engaging your fellow students ​in this year like no other. Come join us for a free night of fun!  This Halloween, connect for an evening of relating and new relationships with peers near and far. Dress in your best costume and be prepared for an incredible night of networking and laughter.

For this special event, we ask you turn on your camera, dress in costume and clear a path around your computer. In one of our haunted rooms, you will be participating in a virtual scavenger hunt, in another a costume party and finally a networking event you won't forget. So register now for FREE.

This night is built only for veterinary students and is brought to you by those who support your journey in veterinary medicine: The Bridge Club and IDEXX.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/halloween-virtual-costume-party-for-veterinary-students-tickets-125252645033


Still Wishing it was Halloween

Is anyone else having the post-Halloween blues even this long into November? If so, check out this adorable photo submitted by Emily Fitch from Oregon State of her sweet guinea pigs, Elvis and Alf!


Happy Halloween

Entry, Creative Corner
Jennie Kuhn, University of Illinois