Entries in AVMAPLIT (3)


AVMA Convention

At the recent AVMA Convention held in Denver, Colorado SAVMA student leaders from all over the country and beyond met to discuss veterinary student issues. One of the biggest topics discussed by SAVMA presidents and delegates was collaboration; collaboration with each other, other clubs, and other schools. These types of collaboration can successfully help benefits reach more students.


There is another year of ALL for Students funding. This money goes towards supporting all SAVMA chapters in Professional Development, Community Outreach, Leadership and Wellness activities. A huge thank you to our sponsors American Veterinary Medical Association, AVMA PLIT, AVMA Life and SAVMA.  


AVMA Booth at SAVMA Symposium


Your SAVMA Editors visit the AVMA booth at SAVMA Symposium 2018 UPenn


The AVMA and SAVMA have a lot to offer students. Those at symposium make sure to visit their booth to learn more.

Those at home visit these sites to learn about the many opportunities for students by clicking on these links:

Benefits of SAVMA Membership

SAVMA Grants

Student Externship Locator

Veterinary Career Center

AVMA Externships

AVMA PLIT Student Benefits

American Veterinary Medical Foundation Student Benefits


Exciting News from avma plit!!!!

The AVMA PLIT will now be sponsoring the student liability insurance premiums for SAVMA members!!!!!!!

Check out their website for more details!!!