Wellness Spotlight

This month’s wellness spotlight features an event put together by the University of Missouri -
Columbia. At Mizzou, wellness is frequently a hot topic of conversation. Their SAVMA executive
board take wellness very seriously and decided to put together an event to enhance both the
students’ and faculty’s mental and physical wellness.
This past May, Mizzou SAVMA hosted their first ever annual Slow Pitch Softball Tournament.
The invitation for this event was extended to CVM students and faculty and held at Albert-
Oakland Park. Funding was required for this event and they used SAVMA’s All-For- Students
money to cover the cost. The funding covered the cost of food, water, gatorade, & sunflower
seeds as well as some additional gear (bats, balls, and gloves).
Here are some helpful tips if you’d like to organize your first Slow Pitch Softball Tournament:
This is a great way to make use of SAVMA’s All For Students funding
It’s always a nice incentive to provide food to get students to try new things, trying shopping at
your local Sam’s Club or Costco to keep costs low.
Some students may already own a bat, glove, or softballs, be sure to encourage them to bring
their gear so less money goes towards having to purchase it. If you do purchase gear, it’s a great investment because it can be reused for many years. Most local parks have areas that can be rented for a small fee for soft ball, kick ball, or other team sports. Even if they don’t have a dirt diamond, any large open grass area would work well. All you have to do is reach out to your community.
Mizzou used resources like email and Facebook to spread the word about their event. Since it
was a successful first tournament, they are expecting a much larger turnout next year. This is a
great way for students and faculty to get outdoors and improve their mental and physical
wellness. Thank you Kelly Sandelin for sharing this event with us.
Hosted a wellness event at your school? We’d love to hear about it. Email for more information about how to share
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