Entries in Virginia-Maryland (23)


Hedgehog on the Loose

Entry, Creative Corner
Regina Shores, Virginia-Maryland



When Nobody is Looking

Entry, Creative Corner
Regina Shores, Virginia-Maryland



Milk Pirate Attack

Alicia Agnew

Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

Foot in Mouth Disease

This spring we were blessed/cursed with six sets of triplets of baby goats. With an average of 2.5 kids per adult goat, the adults were getting overwhelmed. When a doe would call for her kids, a swarm of ten to twenty would surge to her. We would often find a goat happily “nursing” four or five kids though you always wondered how that worked with only two teats.


Creative Corner

By Chelsea Mason

Virginia- Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

This photo represents "Where would you be if you weren't in class"


A Penny for an Idea

By: Alicia Agnew

Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2013

A penny for my thoughts you say,

I think they’re worth much more.

For ideas have been the start of wars,

The middle of nations, and often,

The end of someone’s existence.

Ideas are powerful, Ideas are bright,

And some have led souls to the light.

Ideas follow no laws of mankind

But instead jump around inside of our minds.

What are they made of? Can they be seen?

Or are they some sort of fancy solar beam?

They come and they go and they flit around

But like to stay just out of grasp

When you’re fumbling for an answer fast.

They morph with the times or hide in old books,

And some die young while still unheard.

They’re stuffed into our mind’s crannies and nooks

As we file away the new ones we’ve learned.

So if you need my idea, you’ll pay quite a lot

For they’re worth millions, and dollars at that.