Entries in safari (1)


Stabbed by an Acacia Tree

Mike McEntire - Texas A&M

Foot in Mouth Disease - Winner

Best Overall Submission - Winner


It’s not every day you fall victim to the excruciating schemes of a tree.  But then again, it isn’t every day that you are tasked with saving a Cape Buffalo from drowning.

Last summer I was fortunate enough to spend several weeks in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province on a study abroad working with some of the most amazing animals on the planet.  After days of lectures on capture techniques and immobilization pharmacology, our team of eager Texas A&M veterinary students were prepared for our first wildlife immobilization on four Cape Buffalo Bulls.

Because the Cape Buffalo of South Africa harbor many of the diseases that could decimate domestic cattle production such as Foot and Mouth Disease, Theileriosis,  Tuberculosis,  and Brucellosis all Cape Buffalo must test negative for these disease before being sold or shipped.  Our goal was to immobilize these four bulls so the State Veterinarians could carry out the testing.

The first two went down easy enough.  But the last two decided they’d go for a little swim before the drugs took their full effect.  That meant we had to run in and hold their heads above water to stop them from drowning. 

There really isn’t a lot of time for thinking in a situation like that.  You just run and that’s exactly what I did.  My extra-long coveralls hadn’t really proven to be too much of a problem until I got to the water’s edge.  That’s when they decided to act like little slip n’ slides.  They took me down – right into an acacia tree and then into the water hole. 

There it is. The tree on the left. Small, but deadly.Now just so you can fully understand what happened to me, acacia trees evolved thorns up to four inches long that cover their branches to protect them from all the browsers in Africa that think they are tasty - or in my case from blundering veterinary students moving too quickly for their own good.

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