Taped Shoes and Superpowers
Gabrielle Woo, Cornell University
Experiences, Winner
I landed in Pearson International Airport last night after a week of surgery and wellness clinics in Spirit Lake, North Dakota. The last time I was in Toronto, the temperature outside was well below zero and a good portion of the city’s residential blocks were still reeling from the Christmas ice storm. Now with summer approaching, I am glad to see buds on the trees and smell fresh mud on nearby running trails.
The past week with RAVS is already beginning to blur in my memory. It takes a certain level of exhaustion to enable fifty people to sleep soundly on a hard gymnasium floor through a nightly chorus of yelping dogs and angry meowling cats. It was a tiring, incredible, sometimes stressful but extremely rewarding six days of hard work and learning. As a team of students and veterinary professionals we shared knowledge and expertise as well as bathroom space, cars, meals and various external parasites (that last one occurred unintentionally). By Friday we had examined, vaccinated, medicated and sterilized 340 dogs and cats from the native American reservation.