Entries in inclusion (2)


SAVMA ICDC Presents Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Showcase

SAVMA's Integrative Communications and Diversity Committee (ICDC) is excited to announce our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Showcase!

Submissions are open to all student-run clubs that wish to highlight a specific event they hosted that promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion. We want to show our support for student organizations that strive to empower underrepresented groups in veterinary medicine and foster a Divmore inclusive environment! ICDC will be reviewing submissions and selecting ten winners from ten student organizations that best exemplify DEI. Each winning submission will receive a $200 award to their student organization.

Here is the link for submissions: https://forms.gle/EXkcrgUoQiimvKSM9

Please note: by making a submission, you are giving us permission to share any aspect of your submission on our social media platforms, as the "showcase" aspect of this project!

You can direct any questions to savma.icdc@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!


The Vital Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine

Whitney Brown of Ross University CVM submitted this well-written piece to our Experiences Category!  Thank you very much for your vital perspective on this very important and pertinent topic - great minds like yours are the future of our profession!

The Vital Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine

Whitney Brown

Recently, I was fortunate to be able to attend the 2020 Western Regional Iverson Bell Summit presented by Washington State University via online video conferencing. Named after the prominent veterinary leader Iverson Bell, this summit focused on diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicine. With the unprecedented experiences and deep loss that has come with 2020, this virtual conference was a refreshing experience. Not only did I learn a great deal about how to approach new and complex challenges related to diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicine, I also was afforded the opportunity to discuss and apply what I had learned with small and large groups of my peers. Some of the topics that resonated most with me and which I believe are fundamental in creating a more inclusive and forward-thinking environment in veterinary medicine include intersectionality, microaggressions, and the importance of allyship. 

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