Winner, Experiences
Michelle Sanborn, writing as FARM Club Publicity Commissioner, UC Davis
In California, not many veterinary students are interested in a career in food animal medicine. Most students have very little food animal experience; many have never been to an actual farm or handled a large animal. The Food Animal and Reproduction Medicine (FARM) Club at UC Davis is the club that encompasses students with bovine, small ruminant, and swine interests. UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has about 130 students in each class. Each of the students must pick a species interest, which allows the student to focus their education in their 3rd and 4th year. There is an average of 3 students per year that track solely food animal medicine, though there are others who choose mixed animal. Even with the small number of students tracking food animal medicine each year, our club has many student members who are interested in learning more about food animals. We have a tight network with UC Davis students, California, agricultural organizations, food animal veterinary organizations, and local media and community that have led us to a huge victory for our small club. We would love to share our story with other veterinary students.