Entries in Christmas (6)


Who doesn't love Christmas portraits

We start our Volume 53, Issue 1 winners with our cutest pet category.

Taylor Owens from Texas A&M sent in these Christmas cuties, Summer, Iggy, and Coco. These angels are perfect Christmas models. I bet this bunch also gives wonderful slobbery kisses. 


Christmas Cheer

As a reminder the last day to submit entires to The Vet Gazette for Volume 53 Issue 1 is December 29th. Send in your wonderful photos, cute pets, and amazing creations for a chance to win some money.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas filled with fun and cheer and especially fur babies just like ours. We hope you all use the rest of your winter break to relax and have fun. 


Love your editors, Meredith and Kyndel


Happy "Paw"lidays!

Samuel Tucker from North Carolina State University shared with us this cutie pie, Olive. Doesn't she make the perfect mascot.

Roll Tide Forever

Happy "Paw"lidays!Sunny day, it's time to play!


All I Want for Christmas is Poo....

Ellie Engelen - Minnesota

V:50 I:4 Foot in Mouth Disease Honorable Mention


This past winter I finally found time to take a break from my finals studying to take holiday photos with my family. We took a quick photo and headed back to our house without thinking twice. While uploading the photos, we noticed that our pug, Pete, had managed to sneak into our photo....



Christmas for Dually

Patricia Wonder, Texas A&M University

Life as a Vet Student, Honorable Mention


    One Christmas, about ten years ago, my mom decided to forego the usual Christmas turkey and prepare a prime rib instead.  Needless to say, since we are always tired of turkey by Christmas time, the Christmas prime rib became a tradition in our household.  One year, my mother was very sick and I had to prepare Christmas dinner on my own.  After all the stress and worry, I was amazed at how smoothly everything went.  Our family and guests loved the meal and we were all retiring to the living room to chat and watch TV for a bit.  I just wanted a half hour of sitting before I got up to put everything in containers and clean the kitchen, but that was not to be.  After about ten minutes of rest and relaxation, I heard a clatter coming from the kitchen and my Great Dane, Dually, came running out with the five pounds of prime rib which was left over from dinner. 

    As if it wasn't bad enough he stole our dinner for the next few days, Dually went to town on that beautiful, juicy, medium rare prime rib right on the living room couch.  We all immediately jumped into action to get the dog, and the prime rib, off the couch.  Dually was having none of it.  We all know Great Danes are usually very docile and quiet creatures.  However, all bets are off when there is a prime rib on the line.  After a large to-do, the prime rib was quickly scooped off the couch with a flat shovel and heaved out the back door with Dually, and four other dogs, chasing it down.  Dually enjoyed his prime rib immensely and came back in the house, ready for bed, about an hour later.

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