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Case Report

Submitted by Paulina Bravo Romo, Virginia-Maryland CVM


  • Feline, FS, 14-year-old, Domestic Long Hair


  • Owners lost her around 2 weeks before presentation at the hospital. 

  • Owners noticed a wound on her abdomen

  • She has a history of low thyroid levels according to owner

  • Eating, drinking, urinating, and defecating well (before the two-week period)

Physical Exam: 

HYDRATION: mm: pink/moist, CRT: 1-2s, euhydrated

EENT: Eyes: no ocular discharge OU, menace/palpebral intact OU, clear AC/lens; Ears: no debris, erythema or malodor; Nares: no nasal discharge or depigmentation

ORAL: Dental disease, no missing teeth, no oral lesions or foreign material seen

PLNs: within normal limits

CV: normal sinus rhythm, no murmur able to be ausculted, pulses strong/synchronous

PULM: eupneic, clear bronchovesicular sounds, no crackles/wheezes/stertor/stridor

ABD: soft, non-painful during palpation

UG: no preputial discharge, no vulvar discharge

MSI: BCS 5/9, MCS 3/3, ambulatory x 4 with no overt lameness, open right abdominal mass 5 cm x 8 cm x 3 cm infested with maggots

NEURO: BAR, mentally appropriate, CNs and CPs intact, no ataxia seen, no pain on spinal palpation or cervical flexion


  • Radiographs: Check for metastasis of mass and check for any trauma in the abdomen and thoracic cavity

    • There was no metastasis in the lungs 

    • No trauma was observed in the abdomen or thoracic cavity

  • Sedation, clean and surgery removal 

  • Send mass for biopsy


  • Biopsy report:

    • Mammary adenocarcinoma Grade 3

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