Case Report
Submitted by Paulina Bravo Romo, Virginia-Maryland CVM
Signalment: Feline, FS, 14-year-old, Domestic Long Hair History: Owners lost her around 2 weeks before presentation at the hospital. Owners noticed a wound on her abdomen She has a history of low thyroid levels according to owner Eating, drinking, urinating, and defecating well (before the two-week period) Physical Exam: HYDRATION: mm: pink/moist, CRT: 1-2s, euhydrated EENT: Eyes: no ocular discharge OU, menace/palpebral intact OU, clear AC/lens; Ears: no debris, erythema or malodor; Nares: no nasal discharge or depigmentation ORAL: Dental disease, no missing teeth, no oral lesions or foreign material seen PLNs: within normal limits CV: normal sinus rhythm, no murmur able to be ausculted, pulses strong/synchronous PULM: eupneic, clear bronchovesicular sounds, no crackles/wheezes/stertor/stridor ABD: soft, non-painful during palpation UG: no preputial discharge, no vulvar discharge MSI: BCS 5/9, MCS 3/3, ambulatory x 4 with no overt lameness, open right abdominal mass 5 cm x 8 cm x 3 cm infested with maggots NEURO: BAR, mentally appropriate, CNs and CPs intact, no ataxia seen, no pain on spinal palpation or cervical flexion Plan: Radiographs: Check for metastasis of mass and check for any trauma in the abdomen and thoracic cavity There was no metastasis in the lungs No trauma was observed in the abdomen or thoracic cavity Sedation, clean and surgery removal Send mass for biopsy Diagnosis: Biopsy report: Mammary adenocarcinoma Grade 3