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Student Experiences

Submitted by Lynn Keets, Colorado State University

A chicken with its head cut off would be the best descriptor to describe my relationship with sports. Contrary to my mother’s beliefs, I am adamant that I was born with two left feet, and I’ve always watched my athletic and remarkably agile predecessors shine before me when it came to organized and competitive games. Impressively, I managed to navigate myself away from any activity that involved a ball for most of my life. That was until I entered my first year of veterinary school. I was told that this period of my life would be challenging, hectic, grueling, and mentally draining. I was told that I would have to spend endless hours studying, and I would have to learn to prioritize my responsibilities. I understood their advice and digested what I could, but I was ready, equipped with my rudimentary knowledge of textbook physiology and ready to embrace the hurdles with my steadfast passion to become a veterinarian. I felt prepared and intensely laser focused. 

Wide-eyed and face beaming, I stepped on campus for the first time only to be plopped into the middle of a raging pandemic. Nobody could anticipate its ramifications. Nobody was prepared to witness our school close up in-person classes and resort to virtual lectures. Nobody warned me that I was prepared to sit at home for endless hours, feeling isolated, lonely, and desperate for a support system. I was painfully depressed and didn’t understand how all the hard work to gain acceptance into veterinary school ultimately pinnacled into me hating the profession. It was an empty feeling, and so when my roommate suggested I join Intramural Sports on campus, I made the resounding decision to participate in something that would bring me a step closer to finding companionship. I didn’t know it at the time, but this decision would shift my pessimism into a full 180 degrees. 

Suddenly, I was surrounded by other veterinary students who were seeking to make friends, enjoying an opportunity to stay active, and looking to just have fun. I found friends who played college football and proved brains and brawns did exist, and I also found friends (like myself) who tripped on flat surfaces and struggled to differentiate a “touch down” from a “home run”. For the first time with sports in my life, I stepped outside of my bubble and found comfort in my discomfort. For three more semesters, I played Kickball, Dodgeball, and Flag Football and even ran (and was elected!) as the Intramural Sports Representative in my DVM class. The journey towards our sore losses and triumphant wins pulled me out of a dark and disappointing period of my life, and I am incredibly grateful to have become part of this unique and gratifying experience.


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