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IVEC Scholarship Winners

SAVMA IVEC would like to highlight two more amazing students who were awarded the IVEC Scholarships! 

Piper Gauthier is a rising third-year student at University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine who was awarded the IVEC Scholarship (Cycle 2). Piper went to the Manatee Conservation Center in Puerto Rico this summer:

“As a marine biologist and aspiring marine veterinarian, these marine mammals astound me with their unique anatomy and physiology as well as their intelligence. They are not to be underestimated and should be respected. I am happy to have been apart of an institution dedicated to rehabilitating such amazing creatures. Being in Puerto Rico was not only a rich in education but also an enlightening cultural experience. Although challenging at times, I enjoyed navigating through another culture’s language and customs. I was graciously welcomed into several different family’s homes to participate in family activities, dinners, and parties. I got to explore the historical sites with a native tour guide and try all kinds of wonderful street food. My favorite being chorizo pastilles and ceviche. This experience was truly a gift and I know I will cherish the memories, new friends, and knowledge I learned from it for years.”

Maggie Pritchett is a rising third-year student at the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine who was awarded an individual IVEC Scholarship (Cycle 1). Maggie spent two months as a a veterinary extern at the Lilongwe Wildlife Center in Lilongwe, Malawi:

“From my first morning as a veterinary extern, I knew this was going to be an incredible experience. That first morning in the clinic I was able to assist on a health check on a female vervet monkey that was about to be integrated into a new vervet troop. Before any troop integrations can begin at the center, all primates go through a health check to make sure that they are healthy and fit to meet new primates… Everything about my two months in Malawi helped me to be certain that I want my career to be focused on wildlife medicine and conservation. I would have never been able to gain this experience at my school, so I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and for IVEC for their financial support of this experience:”

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