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Student Experiences

One Health in the Arctic

Submitted by Katie Fleming, Tufts University


My experience with the United States Arctic Research Commission (USARC) in Alaska proved that veterinarians hold critical roles in non-clinical careers. Climate change and global warming are impacting human, animal, and environmental health in many ways, and understanding the global impacts is important for preservation of populations, health, and culture. A person on a boat in front of a waterfall  Description automatically generated


The Arctic is experiencing faster and more drastic changes due to its geographic location and environmental features. My goal for the summer was to learn about unique problems facing Arctic and Indigenous populations, which are very different than public health issues in the lower 48. I conducted interviews with international and domestic One Health practitioners in the Arctic and asked them questions about their research and communication methods. I learned many things about the physical and social geography of Alaska, such as the importance of subsistence, how climate change is altering water sources and causing changes in animal populations and migration, and how Indigenous and rural Alaskan populations are attempting to combat a decrease in food availability. 

I also learned about traditional Indigenous life and the importance of certain animals to the culture and lifestyle. I pushed myself to broaden my views on hunting of seals and whales, which is difficult because these animals are highlighted by many conservation organizations and anthropomorphized in these capacities. However, I spent time learning about the history of whaling and seal hunting in the Arctic and gained an appreciate for their lifestyle. This appreciation was further developed by learning climate change impacts on the ability to continue these practices, and I spoke with locals about how loss of culture and tradition is impacting the mental health of Arctic populations. 

The goal of my project was to identify strong and weak areas of communication between One Health Arctic organizations. Communication is a difficult thing to improve because it is so reliant on the cooperation of diverse groups of people. However, my discussions enlightened me to communication areas I had not previously considered. It was exciting to speak with internationally recognized researchers because they spoke on the importance of international collaboration and offered advice on improving communication at all levels of research. A large field with mountains in the background  Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Overall, my time spent in Alaska this past summer allowed solidification of my desire to enter a veterinary policy career and fight for climate change mitigation legislation. The reliance on the natural world in Alaska is beautiful and truly encompasses a One Health way of life. It is difficult to fully understand the plight of Indigenous Arctic populations when one lives in Massachusetts, but my time spent with Alaskan natives provided insight that will be beneficial to my career. I plan on using my experiences in the Arctic as I enter the work field and fight for populations who are disproportionately impacted by climate change. 

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