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IVEC Scholarship Winner

SAVMA IVEC would like to highlight Sidney Smith, a rising fourth-year student at NCSU, who was awarded the IVEC International Veterinary Experience Scholarship. During Spring Break of this year, Sidney had the opportunity to attend Dr. Gregory Lewbart’s research trip to the Galapagos Islands with NCSU faculty and other third years:

“Throughout the trip I was able to assist with three research projects with our team and the Galapagos Science Center. These projects included investigating how Marine Iguanas can shrink, cross-matching sea turtle blood, and performing health assessments of Espanola Lava Lizards. For each of the projects I helped safely capture and restrain wildlife, perform full health assessments, and draw/run blood samples. On our last research day (boating from Espanola back to San Cristobal Island) our group was lucky enough to stumble upon a pod of Pilot whales, which we obtained skin samples from.

After three days of research, we had four days to finish our lab work, tour San Cristobal Island, and learn about Galapagos wildlife conservation. This experience was incredible, and our group did everything possible to make this trip a once in a lifetime opportunity. I learned so much about Galapagos wildlife, and finally had the opportunity to participate in international research fieldwork (something I have wanted to do since starting veterinary school). The trip was unforgettable, and I cannot thank SAVMA and IVEC enough for the support.”

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