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Student Experiences

A Veterinary Externship at the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center
By: Laci Taylor, Cornell University
Back in November of 2019, I (Laci) and my classmate, Hannah, were selected by Dr. Robin
Radcliffe, DVM, DACZM, as two of six participants for his 2020 Engaged Cornell Teams.
Through direct experiences at established field sites in the Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and
Indonesia, the Engaged Cornell Program pairs up veterinary and undergraduate students and
challenges them to develop and participate in a focused project in conservation medicine.
My undergraduate partner and I were all set to travel to the Jane Goodall Institute in Uganda
during the summer of 2020, but the threat of the global COVID-19 pandemic altered these plans.
With global and university-mandated travel restrictions in place, I was beginning to think I might
never make it to the Jane Goodall Institute.
A year later, the chances of any international travel still seemed distant but month by month
travel restrictions became less inflexible. While Uganda was not yet on the university’s approved
list for travel and likely would not be for some time, the Republic of the Congo had far less
travel restrictions. My classmate, Hannah Padda DVM ’22, who was previously chosen for the
Jane Goodall Institute Congo site had been tirelessly petitioning to make her trip a reality for
clinical year. While the university was allowing veterinary students to travel internationally as
international research and clinical practice are considered core parts of our curriculum,
undergraduate students were not able to so. Therefore, Hannah and I proposed to Dr. Radcliffe
that we would go to the Congo together. Shortly after, our petitions for travel were approved by
the university and we were off to complete a veterinary externship at the Jane Goodall Institute
Republic of the Congo in the Summer of 2021.
While in the Congo, we stayed at the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center which
housed chimpanzees, mandrills, several species of monkeys and other injured wildlife including
birds and galagos. The Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center consists of the main
centralized sanctuary and a group of three islands that are about an hour boat ride away,
Ngombe, Tchindzoulou, and Tchibebe Island. On days we were not traveling outside of the main
part of the sanctuary, we performed daily rounds on all the animals housed there, checking their
overall health status, and administering any necessary treatments, such as oral anti-parasitic
medications and application of medicated cream to any wounds. I always said hi to my favorite
chimpanzee, Benjamin, while Hannah would say hi (but then quickly run away) from one of her
favorite chimpanzees, Falero, since he liked to throw rocks at us. We both always made sure to
have a long check in with two of the more curious chimpanzees, Amazon and Mbebo.
The animal care staff work with the chimpanzees to train them to come up to the edge of the
enclosure and present a wound so that it can be monitored and treated. We also collected fresh
fecal samples amongst other samples. This allowed us to expand upon and sharpen our
laboratory diagnostics toolkit by performing and analyzing direct fecal smears, fecal flotation,
skin scrapes, blood smears, and developing treatment protocols for any abnormal findings. There
were a few instances where we were involved in non-routine procedures, such as performing a
full orthopedic examination on a juvenile chimpanzee who became acutely non-weight bearing
on his left hindlimb and a head laceration repair on a juvenile mandrill.
We spent time at the aforementioned islands conducting the annual chimpanzee health checks,
where we monitored anesthesia, collected blood samples, and performed diagnostic imaging
such as radiographs and ultrasounds. Each island contains a different group of chimpanzees, and
due to the complex social structure of these groups, the animal care staff constantly monitors
these groups for any signs of discordance, and when conflicts arise, they work with the
veterinarians to develop resolution plans, which often involve the relocation of chimpanzees
from one group to another, or in some cases back to the main part of the sanctuary.
Whenever a chimpanzee must be relocated, the veterinary staff takes that opportunity to perform
a full health check. We participated in several of these relocations and were fortunate to take part
in the health checks and observations of the integrations of chimpanzees into new social groups.
We learned a tremendous amount about chimpanzee behavior, a vital component of
understanding how to effectively save their species.
On the days we travelled outside of the main part of the sanctuary we focused on other aspects of
conservation medicine. Some days, we hiked through jungles to retrieve camera trap data and
observe the footage to determine what animal species, animal activity, or human activity was
present in certain areas. This data is used to better assess the suitability of areas for chimpanzee
release through geospatial analysis. One prospective location, in Conkouati-Douli National Park,
is already home to a group of mandrills previously released by JGI. We observed and collected
data on these mandrills in the forest to observe their social behavior to determine if additional
mandrills could be added and accepted into their cohort. We are hopeful that another group of
mandrills from Tchimpounga can join these mandrills in the coming months.
To our surprise, we also worked directly with cats and dogs. One of the resident sanctuary cats
had a pyometra and we assisted in her daily care and monitoring after her ovariohysterectomy by
administering fluids, antibiotics, and pain medications. Additionally, we had the opportunity to
work with the Jane Goodall Institute’s K9 unit. The K9 unit was being trained to search for
illegal wildlife products and we were able to observe their training. We helped manage and treat
dermatologic issues that a few dogs had and treated one of them for a corneal ulcer. We also
performed annual health checks on them and administered their annual vaccinations.
During our time at Tchimpounga Sanctuary, we learned a tremendous amount about the
intricacies of saving a species when there is minimal natural space left. We discovered ways to
both directly and indirectly help chimpanzees and the value of creating a protected place for
them to thrive. We went into this experience with the expectation of practicing clinical veterinary
medicine on exclusively chimpanzees and left with improved clinical skills for a variety of
species and greater understanding of the importance of transdisciplinary work in veterinary
medicine and conservation.

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