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IVEC Scholarship Winner

SAVMA IVEC would like to highlight one of our recipients from the IVEC International Veterinary Experience Scholarship (Cycle 2): Zack George. Zack is a third-year student at CSU who was able to gain surgical experience abroad in Peru!

I am sure I performed more surgeries in Peru than I will throughout my entire education with CSU. This will put me at a marked advantage when I graduate and join the job market due to my advanced experiences and the minimal level of additional training. Personally, this experience pushed me out of my comfort zone and showed me a culture I never would have experienced otherwise. It helped broaden my perspective on life and gave me insight on what will provide satisfaction throughout my life, personally and professionally. I am hoping that this experience gave me enough insight on different life perspectives clients live due to financial and societal restraints, as well as what it is like to perform medicine with the bare minimum of resources available, to provide the best unbiased care for my patients regardless of what the situation presents as. This experience was truly unforgettable and I would not trade the experiences and lessons I gained during it for anything.”

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