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Student Experiences

Submitted by Janelle Thomas, Washington State University

Costa Rica

In preparation for veterinary school, I decided to take a study abroad trip to Costa Rica with a focus on international production systems with an emphasis on large animals that I had never interacted with before. It was a fascinating trip, full of excursions to different operations with completely different designs, conversations with natives spanning generations in the country, and an incredibly colorful culture that I was fascinated to be immersed in.

 One operation that really stuck with me and gave me some incredible perspective was a large facility dedicated to raising, teaching, and guiding orphaned young men. The facility was equipped with dormitories, recreation, exhibits, as well as many different species of livestock, rehabilitated wildlife, avian species, and more! It was my first exposure to not only large animal species, but also to an organization with such an incredible mission statement! The boys that lived at this center were fully responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the animals and the facility. It was incredible to hear their stories and their unique journeys. They cared so deeply about the animals, and gave me novel perspective about the human-animal bond and what it can do for all species involved. The animals at the facility were not viewed as commodities or profit; instead, there was an overwhelming feeling of personal responsibility and tender care for each animal on the property, and that each person on the team had a job to fulfill. 

I had my first encounter with a lamb at this site, and the pictures attached demonstrate the immense love and connection I felt for these animals with first touch. The lamb I held was only days old, and it hit me instantly with an incredible amount of emotion that this was a new life, so innocent and inexperienced, and I had the opportunity to hold it in my arms. Throughout the tour and interaction with the people at the facility, I was surrounded by humble, intelligent, hardworking individuals that despite their hardships, were there to fulfill a mission and provide the best experience to the boys that lived there. They were also incredibly welcoming, inviting my group into their homes to share stories and a meal together. Everyone’s hearts were so full, and I left feeling so grateful for the experience and to have had the opportunity to cross paths with these incredible people. Costa Rica was an incredible place, and also made me realize the world is such a big place full of stories waiting to be told.


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