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Mysterious Sudden Deaths in a Beef Cattle Herd - Continued


Did you guess correctly? Check out what Ali found below!

"We were specifically concerned with Grass Tetany (Magnesium deficiency), but the Magnesium values came back within normal limits for each deceased animal. We tested the water for lead and arsenic, checked for other environmental factors, and found nothing. We did surveillance chemistries on 4 random females of different ages. Magnesium was borderline-low on all of them. The post-mortem samples weren't representative because when the animals seized or twitched severely before they died, Magnesium was released from where it is stored in muscle, elevating serum levels. In animals that had not experienced muscle damage or twitching showed true Mg serum values. 

This herd is now being supplemented with Magnesium Oxide dusted on their feed and mixed in with their free-choice mineral mix, and they have not had any problems since!"

Kudos to you if you figured it out! Don't forget to send us your cool cases!

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