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Wellbeing Support Fund Accepting Applications

 As veterinary students return to classes in the world of COVID-19, maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing is more important than ever.  Have a creative and unique idea to provide your classmates with a virtual wellness boost? Look no further! The SAVMA Wellbeing Committee is currently reviewing applications for their Wellness Support Fund. Take a look below for details!

In light of the growing body of evidence indicating high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in the veterinary profession, the SAVMA Wellbeing Committee recognizes that there is a considerable need to transform the culture of veterinary schools into one that is safe, promotes self-awareness, and encourages healthy living habits.  The committee will award up to $2,500.00 each cycle to student applicants demonstrating the need for assistance with a project, lecture, or event(s) that will foster physical or mental wellbeing in their respective college, on an as needed basis. This cycle ends December 31, 2020.

Click here for the application!

Please send any questions to savmawellbeing@gmail.com.

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