Pollinator's Week!
It is finally time for POLLINATOR'S Week! Our GPHO's have been hard at work setting up this incredible week! Check out details below! It starts on Monday, June 22.
Dr. Britteny Kyle "Biology of the Honey Bee from a Veterinary Perspective"
Monday June 22 at 6:30PM EST
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89504246688?pwd=YWhZV3RPV1dleGdGaURUbDVxYy9Hdz09
Password: pollinator
**This will be recorded and uploaded to the SAVMA Youtube page after the presentation
Dr. Cullen Geiselman "Nectar-feeding bats: The Hummingbirds and Sunbirds of the Night"
Tuesday June 23 at 6:30pm EST
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82154240686?pwd=RUwxeDFCaHErTWhPbmwxSkRWa3hUdz09
Password: pollinator
**This will be recorded and uploaded to the SAVMA Youtube page after the presentation
Dr. Terry Kane "The Veterinarian's Role in Honey Bee Medicine: A One Health Concern"
Wednesday June 24 at 6:30pm EST
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86410022349?pwd=Z09KNVMySkpvbWJYeXFsanJlaHcyQT09
Password: pollinator
**This will NOT be recorded and uploaded to the SAVMA Youtube page after the presentation
Dr. Manuel Ruiz "Healthy bats, healthy people: The connection between bat health and the emergence of zoonotic viruses"
Thursday June 25 at 6:30pm EST
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82787678921?pwd=NytTTHFPa1o2a2NLSXBvMkY3bDNNQT09
Password: pollinator
**This will be recorded and uploaded to the SAVMA Youtube page after the presentation