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Fall 2019 EPDC Extracurricular Grant Awardees - Day 1

One of the many incredible perks of being a part of SAVMA is being able to apply for grants to help YOUR school put on incredible events! The SAVMA Economics and Professional Development Committee (EPDC) awarded grants for up to $500 to a few universities. Check out the events those schools put on over the next few days!


"The Ohio State Shelter Medicine Club was able to provide a unique opportunity for veterinary students during the Midwestern Veterinary Conference by having three experts in the field of animal forensics and law come to talk about their careers and lead students through expert witness interrogations.

Dr. Melinda Merck is the owner of Veterinary Forensics Consulting in Austin, Texas. She also chairs the World Small Animal Veterinary Association’s Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Science. Dr. Emily Walz has extensive experience as an expert witness in animal cruelty and neglect cases for shelters across the Midwest. She also has a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Minnesota and is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Diane Balkin, J.D., worked as a trial attorney for 32 years, where she prosecuted multiple types of felonies, including animal-related crimes. She also worked with Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Criminal Justice Program and is a past president of the International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association. 

First, the speakers demonstrated two examples of expert witness testimony using a closed case that they were involved in. Diane acted as both the prosecutor and defense as Emily and Melinda took the stand. Throughout the demonstration, Diane would pause and explain why she was asking certain questions, and Emily and Melinda would add in tips of what to be prepared for as an expert witness. Then, we worked through two fabricated scenarios composed by the Shelter Club E-board; one was an animal violence case and the other was a hoarding/neglect case. Here, students were able to practice taking the stand and demonstrating their knowledge as well as professional composure in a low stress environment. All the students who participated did a great job, and we were so happy to have Melinda, Emily, and Diane to help show us the different tricks used in the court system and how to compose ourselves! It was truly a unique experience for our students, and we wouldn’t have been able to make it a huge success without the SAVMA extracurricular grant!"

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