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Ode to My Dumb Dog

Check out this hilarious poem by Madison Gohlke from Auburn University! Very relatable!

The summer’s getting hotter now
Though it sure ought to be fall
You’re lying on the A/C vent
And snoring through it all

Your smelly ears and big old paws
Have now my bedspread seized
(Though I swore I wouldn’t be the type
To let you nap where you pleased)

I let you out at lunch to bark
And drive the neighbors mad
While I drag back to school and sit
To learn the bovine gonad

To Bac-T lab and cardio
Off I gaily trot
But complain through pharmacology
(A druggie, I am not)

And longingly, through coffee-haze
I wish that you were near
To rest your head upon my lap
And remind me why I’m here

For your goofy eyes and laughing mouth
I peruse with dexterous care
And I must admit, your crazy heart
Did give me quite a scare.

It turns out you are “off,” a bit
And speed up when you inhale
But Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia
Doesn’t mean your heart will fail!

And I’m so glad that it doesn’t, dear,
For without you, I’d be at sea
You keep me sound and teach me how
Two best pals can agree.

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