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Lilli Slippers

These beautiful, creative pieces were submitted by Jessica Trubey from Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Who is Lilli? - A girly, strong-willed, fastidiously clean, independent, hard-working, loving, and frustratingly particular German lady. She is a wife, a sister, a mother, and “Omi” to seven grandchildren. (I’m one of those.) For as long as anyone can remember, she’s been outfitting the whole family with her famous knitted slippers. If you could see us gathered around for Thanksgiving sharing kaffee and kuchen, you’d see all feet lovingly slippered under the table. And more than just our family wear them; friends and roommates and boyfriends along the way all requested a pair for themselves.
When I was around 15, I figured it was time for me to learn to make them too so I could keep the tradition going. Those first few pairs were rough, and I’m sure it was nearly impossible for her to resist taking the needles from me to do it herself so she could “do it right”, as is her habit with other things in life. 
Now I make them myself and have found that knitting while sitting in my lectures in veterinary school helps me listen and focus better. Your purchase will contribute in a drop-in-the-ocean way to my student loans, and in a more significant way to the family tradition of the sought-after Omi slippers.



















"Teammates" - charcoal drawing
"Giselle" - acrylic painting

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