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by Alexis Pennings

Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine


If I took words and I molded them
simply for beauty's sake
Would anyone call it a poem,
or am I only a fake?

A fake in a world I know not of,
I know so little at all
Am I more than the things that I've thought of,
more than my dreams beck and call?

I know so little of skills, you see
My mind a prison of play
One can build cities and castles and sunlight
but if trapped, their grandeur will stay

Inside of the place where you build them
Never letting anyone inside
And what then is a playground
if all are barred from the slide?

My hands are clumsy and faulty
all that I touch turns to dust
So I put a dome on my beautiful playground
for fear that in rain it will rust

But tools unused are just broken
Entropy will take them, too
And all my thoughts left unspoken
will leave me with grey where I once knew of hue.

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