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"Dairying Ant", "Upside Down", and "WesternU Sees Rain"

Andrew Tsai, Western University

Creative Corner, Winner

"Dairying Ant" - "Some species of ants 'farm' aphids, protecting them on the plants they eat, eating the honeydew the aphids release from the terminations of their alimentary canals... These 'dairying ants' 'milk' the aphids by stroking them with their antennae." -A. Tsai

"Upside Down" - This picture is intentionally inverted. Please rotate the monitor/phone for maximum mind blowing. -A. Tsai

"WesternU Sees Rain" - If you've seen WesternU's campus, you know it doesn't look like this. One of my favorite parts about rain is how it transforms the ordinary: even though we look at the same scene, we see something different. -A.Tsai

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