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Anchorman 2: Movie Star Turned Vet Student

Nina Marie, Western University

Life as a Vet Student, Honorable Mention
          Before vet school, I had trouble finding a summer job. Most places didn't want to commit to or train somebody that could only be around for 3 months or less. My problems were all solved the day my father read the newspaper and saw an ad for a movie open casting call starring Russell Crowe. They were looking for runner-type bodies for a movie called "Noah". In the midst of several hundred people, I was chosen to be a stunt extra in the movie. I played a Refugee and had to run towards an ark alongside many people in the pouring rain. This lead to my summer job as a background actor for television and movies. 

The photo is from one of the movies I worked on (I am all the way to the left). Surprisingly, I found out about this job via Facebook! They were looking for people with "70s looks" for a movie called "Teaching Manheim". Assuming that Teaching Manheim was some independent film, I submitted my photos to be considered as a background extra. I was selected to be in the film, which was shooting in New York City. At the time, I completely forgot that movies tend to go by a codename, and when I googled the name, I was shocked to see that it was Anchorman 2! On the day of filming, I had the fortune of being placed right next to Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell, Paul Rudd, and David Koechner. It was exciting and unreal to be standing right next to Ron Burgendy and his news team. On set, I also met Drake, who made a cameo in the movie. I saw myself in the movie trailer as well as the film itself. This was by far the best summer job I've ever had! 

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