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Easy reference on interest rates

Whether you are starting your first year or counting down the final days until you begin your first real job, it is important to understand the student loans that you have been reliant upon for sustenance for the past several years.  Since there are no longer subsidized loans for graduate students, below is a table explaining the various interest rates for student loans that are dispersed by the government.  The rates highlighted in yellow should be of particular interest during your time in graduate school, although loans from undergraduate may be subject to the rates that are not highlighted.

However, more important than understanding the rate of your loan is understanding a logical way to manage and pay back your student debt following graduation.  It is no longer uncommon to find that student loans may be coming from multiple sources, with varying rates, due dates, and amounts due per month.  For this very reason, the website https://www.tuition.io/ was created. This website is designed as a management tool for those with student loans to provide guidance towards how much money should be going where and when. For those familiar with www.mint.com, this is a very similar concept.  For a brief review of this site, please visit http://mashable.com/2013/08/13/tuitionio/ .

For a more detailed explanation concerning the 10-year treasury note index, please visit http://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/products/prod_tnotes_glance.htm.

How to consolidate your student loans:  http://studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans/consolidation


Another Great Tool ""Your Guide to Paying Off Student Loans'"

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