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Meet the Executive Board: Ricci Karkula

This post is part of series made to highlight the members of your SAVMA Executive Board. They were originally members of the House of Delegates, and were then elected by their fellow delegates to serve you on the board.

Name, Position on EB: Ricci Karkula, President-elect

School and Year: Texas A&M University, c/o 2015

Hometown: Sanger, California

Your area of interest within veterinary medicine: Equine Sports Medicine

Description of what your office entails: Hanging out with Elise, the SAVMA President, to learn the ropes of the presidential position and representing the members of SAVMA.

Your favorite thing about holding that office: Having the opportunity to represent the thoughts and opinions of the veterinary student body.

Your favorite SAVMA related experience thus far (EB or not): Meeting new people from other veterinary schools.

Something fun about yourself: I competed in rodeo events growing up and all through high school and college. I still ride horses and run barrels whenever I am home in California.

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Reader Comments (1)

Really very nice profile Ricci Karkula and well come to Vet Gazette.

I am expecting some more changes in the health of local pet in our locality. so what is your current strategies it.
June 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAlexanderConner
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