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On an Island Being the Change You Wish to See in the World

Winner, Experiences
Meghan Ruck, Ross

Ross University’s School of Veterinary Medicine’s Josh Project chapter has a very unique opportunity here in St. Kitts.  We are given the chance to personally visit the children that are receiving care in the Joseph N. France General Hospital’s pediatric ward and impact their lives directly.  Each of our “Josh Kit” donation visits to the hospital comes with its own set of memories and emotions.

When we give each child their “Josh Kit” for the first time, it is truly heart-warming to see their eyes light up and a huge smile flash across their face as they are introduce to their new friend “Josh”, the plush toy Golden Retriever.  It’s a special connection that you make in those moments; one that you feel when they trustingly place their hand in your hand to walk with them down the ward hall to the play/reading room for story time.

I’ve been so blessed to be able to soak up these beautiful moments for over two years now as I’ve done everything in my power in making sure that these opportunities remain possible for our Josh Project chapter, allowing us to continue to impact the lives of the children here in St. Kitts.  My role has been much like that of a symphony conductor, being responsible for communicating, leading, and guiding an orchestra of performers; together we create music.  By successfully unifying many amazing “performers” across the RUSVM and St. Kitts communities, as a partnership, we have been successful every semester in executing our fundraising events (Josh Project Coin Fundraiser, Josh Project Cook Off, RUSVM fleece sale, etc.) that fuel our abilities.

It was these very partnerships that brought us to one of Josh Project’s greatest achievements.  At the 2013 SAVMA Symposium, we were recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and Josh and Friends for being the chapter to raise the most funds, over $12,000 USD, during 2012 and placing first in the 2012 Josh Challenge.  The Josh Challenge is a competition allowing SCAVMA chapters to help children overcome many of the fears they experience when faced with a hospital visit.  Our chapter was awarded $5,000 USD by the AVMA, giving us a total of over $17,000 USD to use towards the purchase of “Josh Kits” for the children of St. Kitts.

While the numbers are impressive, we know the true value of this success could never be quantified.  Our accomplishment is a representation of the community of supporters, both near and far, that have gathered around our Josh Project chapter, relentlessly believing in our mission and ability to utilize the human-animal bond to bring comfort to the children of St. Kitts.  It is a representation of many wonderful, passionate, and devoted students that work diligently behind the scenes to ensure that everything comes together for our fundraisers and other ongoing tasks.  It is a representation of like-minded individuals coming together and understanding the importance of community service.

Said best by Mother Teresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  I am a strong believer that serving others is a crucial role that we should all take on in our community, wherever our lives may take us.  When my life brought me to St. Kitts and I began my career at Ross University, I felt so fortunate be a part of RUSVM’s Josh Project.  When I was presented with the opportunity to become a leader for the organization, I saw this as a great opportunity to create my own ripples by enabling those around me and demonstrating the importance of service to others while making a meaningful impact on our beautiful island of St. Kitts.

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”  I whole-heartedly believe that that is exactly what our Josh Project chapter is doing, changing the world around us and serving as a source of inspiration to all those whose lives we are able to touch.  Whether it has been a student member of our organization, a supportive faculty/staff member at RUSVM, a caring nurse at JNF General Hospital, a loving parent of a child who has received a “Josh Kit”, or one of the brave hospitalized children who has been introduced to their new friend “Josh”, we have made an impact, together.

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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you so much VG for giving me the opportunity to talk about my wonderful experiences with my Josh Project chapter!
December 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan
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