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TVG Latest Winners!

Hello everyone! Your Gazette Editor here with the latest winners from our last deadline for submissions. We had twenty two schools sending in entries.  Read on below to check out our latest winners and honorable mentions.  Our next deadline for submissions will be in December for those interested.   All of the entries will be posted in the upcoming days so stay tuned...


Winner: Chelsea Anderson, Cornell
Honorable Mention: Amber Kerk, Purdue
Creative Corner

Winners: Elise Madara, Louisiana State
Timothy Batt, Louisiana State
Honorable Mention: Tiffany Beck, Mississipi State
Josh Li, University of Illinois
Foot in Mouth Disease

Winner: Alicia Niedzwiedzki, University of Wisconsin
Honorable Mention: Erica Ward, Michigan State
Ellen Haynes, Cornell
Life as a Vet Student:

Winner, Question 1: Tiffany Beck, Mississippi State
Winner, Question 2: Julia Drury, Cornell

Winners: Nichole Hughes,  University of Florida
Regina Munden,  University of Pennsylvania

Winner: Justin Padgett, Auburn
Honorable Mention: Stephanie Halley, Michigan State
Kristen Brett, Oklahoma State
Winner: Shira Rubin, Cornell
Honorable Mention: Randy Bond, Ohio State
Arielle Briette, Cornell
Op-Ed Contributor:

Sonia Fang, Western
Overall most submissions:

Cornell University


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