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6 Ways to Beat Finals and Holiday Stress on a Budget

By: Brittany Wojcicki

University of Illinois, Class of 2014

(Editor's note: Again, I know this is a little late, but it's a pretty good one. And besides, why should we not bake cookies and give each gifts year round?)

1. Eat the cookies that your friends and family give you during exams…you’ll need a glucose surge when you can’t remember the glycolysis pathway.

2. Regifting saves both time and money! If you can radiograph the present before opening, then you save wrapping too!

3. Buying gifts online can save time, but shipping can cost a bundle! Using gifts from your pantry saves time and money if you can whip up a fruit basket or cheese and cracker basket before it goes bad. Deliver before expiration date.

4. Christmas caroling doesn’t have to be a thing of the past. Change your voicemail to you and your dog singing “Silent Night” and you’ll carol to all your family and friends you ignore while you’re at the library.

5. Who has time to comb out the cat and your hair during finals to take Christmas card pictures? Facebook or twitter is bound to have one decent picture before you’ve gained finals/holiday weight. If not,www.elfyourself.com still hasn’t gotten old.

6. By now you’ve taken at least one of these tips to heart and won’t read past 5 anyways. Happy Holidays and good luck on finals!

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