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Teaching Excellence Award

Do you know an amazing teacher? Do you have a professor/intern/resident that seems to be different than anyone else? Do they keep your interest and respect your learning at all times? Do you wish that every class and every professor could teach like they do? Do you believe that they should be given some recognition or award for the excellent job that they perform everyday?

The SAVMA Education and Professional Development Committee is looking for nominees that fit the description above, send us their name because we'd like to reward them for being so amazing. The selected teacher will be given complementary registration to AVMA Convention in St. Louis this summer along with travel and lodging expenses and a beautiful stained glass award for display. What better way is there to recognize the greatest teacher you know?

Contact your SAVMA delegate for an application. Make sure to get them in before March 7th, 2011. And I bet you all wish you were back in elementary school learning your ABC's rather than pathophysiology!

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