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Dreams Vs. Memories

By: Matthew Inniss

Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2014


Your thoughts have drifted into a state of blankness

The thought of yesterdays seem to have slipped into an unknown past.

But, every so often one of those thoughts appears for a short time,

As if to start us on an unbeaten path;

These constellations of the mind heart, and spirit

Creations of heaven, memories of a life of living,


What will I do, years from now?

What do I inspire within hearts, to reach for higher ground to find true destiny of which truth is spoken?

These words come to me as visions of rainbows and sunshine filled days, where children of perfection play amongst the clouds.


You gawk at these words only because you have yet to believe in yourself.

You think it not possible for man to be eternal, but I pray, tell that it is true that he is

Those of you who believe and dream, continue to run the race life will course.

Hold thy friends steady at thy side and no Tundra or Mountain will blind your sight of the true being within us all.


Save yourself pain, and let yourself be free.

Dreams have provided you with hope, and memories the ammunition to fight the battles that may come your way.

Arm thyself properly, and life will be yours.

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