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Economic Issues Essay Contest

Here's yet another shot at some free money! 

Economics are a part of our daily lives, involving everything from taking out loans to deciding whether we want to buy a $2 soda or a $3 piece of pizza.  Economics will also play a part in our professional lives when determining treatment plans, business plans, and more! 

Your friendly SAVMA Economics and Professional Development Committee wants to hear from you!

What:  An essay, 1000 words or less, describing an economic issue affecting veterinary students and/or the veterinary profession as a whole.  Be sure to include at least one idea regarding how the issue may be confronted. 

For:  A chance to win one of the $250 prizes!!  The top two essays will receive $250.  While writing your essay, you can also think of the many economic opportunities you could apply that to!

Who to send to: SAVMA Economics and Personal Development Committee savma.epdc@gmail.com

Deadline:  December 1st, 2010

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