Entries in TVG winners (13)


Congratulations winners!

Exciting news! Winners for the latest edition of The Vet Gazette will begin running tomorrow. You have a lot to look forward to- from colorful photography of a fish market, to surgeries performed deep within Peru, to miniature sculptures of an entire animal orchestra. We also have several embarrassing pet stories that are sure to bring the LOLs.

Over 100 entries from almost every school were submitted to this edition. How lucky are we? Enjoy!


Congratulations to the latest winners!

The following students were chosen as winners from the most recent submissions to The Vet Gazette, and will be receiving cash prizes for their work!  Look for their submissions to be published in the upcoming weeks.  In other Gazette news, I've decided to start publishing all entries, not just the prize winners.  I've been really impressed with the creativity and skill of everything being sent in, and feel like it's a shame not to share with everyone! Since TVG is not limited by page space now that we are in electronic format, it'll be easier than ever to share what veterinary students are capable of, so check back often!

Melissa Andritz, Editor

And now...the winners!

Winner: Becky Lee, UC Davis

Life as a Vet Student
Winners: Oneal Peters, Colorado State, Sharon Ostermann, UC Davis
Honorable Mention: Oneal Peters, Colorado State, Sharon Ostermann, UC Davis

Winner: Bradley Venable, Auburn
Honorable Mention: Samantha McDonnel, UC Davis; Jenna Winer, UC Davis

Winners: Brittany Beavis, Washington State; Olga Vinogradova, Illinois

Winner: Alison Manchester, Cornell
Honorable Mention: Hailey Harroun, Colorado; Jana Mazor Thomas, Tufts

Creative Corner:
Winner: Tia Chambers, Ross
Honorable Mention: Cynthia Fichtner, St. Matthews; Andrew Martin, Illinois; Jessica Dreyfuss, North Carolina

Foot in Mouth:
Winner: Courtney Butts, Florida
Honorable Mention: Shake Chatterjee, Minnesota; Courtney Deer, Mississippi

SCAVMA Chapter with the most submissions:

University of Glasgow


Congrats Glasgow for most submissions to Issue 47 Volume 4

Congratulations to the University of Glasgow for having the most submissions to the latest volume of The Vet Gazette!  Their SCAVMA chapter will be receiving $200! 

Thanks to everyone who submitted pieces for this issue, check back in the next week for the winners!

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