Entries in SAVMA Symposium (34)


SAVMA Symposium 2015 Announced


Introducing your new SAVMA Executive Board

Over the next several weeks, I'll be posting short bios of your SAVMA Executive Board.  The officers are a group of students that are former SAVMA Delegates, and were elected by their fellow Delegates to oversee the House. They were all sworn in to their current positions at the 2013 SAVMA Symposium at LSU.   They work hard to represent you, their fellow vet students, but many of you will never meet them face to face!  This series of posts will put a face with a name, and let you know a little bit about what SAVMA is working on on a national level.  The officers also would love to hear ideas or questions from you, so feel free to email them!

Kyle Donnelly, editor

From left to right, Ricci Karkula, President-elect; Dr. Derrick Hall, SAVMA advisor; Kyle Donnelly, The Vet Gazette editor; Nate Vos, Economics Ad Hoc Officer; Scott Dudis, Global Public Health Officer; Sam Smith, International Exchange Officer-elect; Elise Ackley, President; Caitlin Pohlit, Secretary; Al Claiborne, Treasurer; Ashley Bredenberg, Global Public Health Officer-elect; Steen Smith, International Exchange Officer; Becky Eddy, Economics Ad Hoc Officer-elect; Theresa DiCarli, AVMA Staff Consultant


2013 SAVMA Symposium!


Bienvenue en Louisiane!

Welcome to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home of Louisiana State University and host to the 2013 SAVMA Symposium!  The first day of meetings for the SAVMA House of Delegates has begun.   We hope all those attending the symposium have a wonderful time!

A view of the 2013 SAVMA House of Delegates meeting room

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