Entries in Partners for healthy pets (13)


Words that Work: Communicating the Value of Preventive Pet Healthcare, March 2013

Partners for Healthy Pets is an alliance of more than 20 leading veterinary associations and animal health companies committed to a vision of improved overall health for pets. As an associate member, The Vet Gazette will be regularly posting updates. Check back on Friday for another post and visit thier website to learn more!


Research shows that pet owners are willing to embrace preventive healthcare visits if they know it will benefit their pets. Unfortunately, research also shows that many pet owners don’t completely understand the value of routine care. Effective communications skills help establish trust between the pet owner and your healthcare team. They also lead to client and patient compliance.

As professionals, we are good at making recommendations about pet health, but we are not always as diligent about effectively communicating the value and benefit of what we are recommending. The more we understand about a pet owner and the pet’s environment, the more we can help the pet owner understand the value of what we are doing and the more willing they are to provide their pet with the care you recommend.

Our clients need to understand the value of veterinary services, and the goal of Partners for Healthy Pets is to help you build appreciation for preventive healthcare by helping you better communicate the value of your services.

Click to read more ...


Online Marketing Explained!

The following announcement is from the Partners for Healthy Pets. Read on for the summary of activities held at the Western Veterinary Conference, and stop by the Partners for Healthy Pets booth 365N to learn about the complimentary tools and resources they provide to build the importance of preventive pet healthcare in  practices. Those who take a one-on-one 5 minute tour of a single tool will be registered to win a Visa® gift card!
Hear Dr. Warren present Online Marketing Explained at the Western Veterinary Conference ( Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Mandalay Bay, Level 3, Jasmine EFG) or log into the Partners for Healthy Pets Resources Toolbox at www.partnersforhealthypets.org to learn how to establish or perfect your practice’s online marketing plan.
Pet owners’ prolific use of the web has forged a new opportunity for promotion and advertising within the animal health industry, one that is now the greatest mechanism for achieving enhanced client engagement and significant practice growth.
For all of the potential upside, it’s an opportunity that can feel both intimidating and overwhelming. To help break it down into a manageable game plan for veterinary practice, Partners for Healthy Pets and Dr. Michael Warren, a practicing veterinarian and certified online strategist, have partnered to create a veterinary practice-centric overview of all aspects of online marketing, including:
  • Perfecting your Message
  • The essential components of an Effective Veterinary Website 
  • Powerful Search Engine Optimization strategies
  • ROI Driven Social Media
  • Proactive Reputation Management.
The step-by-step approach is tremendously educational, but more importantly is aimed to offer strategies you can take away and implement immediately. The series combines video with worksheets and slides and is a lot of fun - delivered by a practicing veterinarian who writes, speaks, and consults internationally on improved client communication and engagement through online media. Dr. Warren is passionate about the topic and driven to share his unique combination of skills to help advance and grow the veterinary industry.
Partners for Healthy Pets is dedicated to ensuring that pets receive the preventive healthcare they deserve through regular visits to a veterinarian and is committed to working with you to enhance the health of your patients and your practice. Learn more about Partners for Healthy Pets and explore the Resources Toolbox at www.partnersforhealthypets.org



Partners for Healthy Pets Newsletter

Editor's note: SAVMA has recently become an associate member of the Partnership for Preventive Pet Healthcare.  Please read on for their latest newsletter!

Build the importance of preventive healthcare with Partners for Healthy Pets power tools 

People have a special relationship with their pets, and most recognize that visiting a veterinarian enhances that relationship. But you see it every day in practice – pet owners who have been bombarded with incorrect and incomplete information and are confused about what’s best for their pets. So much so that they may not follow your clinical advice, and may not bring their pets to critical preventive care appointments at all. 
As a profession, we have a great opportunity help pets and pet owners enjoy a longer and healthier life together
 Veterinary professionals work hard to provide the best possible care to pets so that they and their owners can enjoy long and healthy lives together. Partners for Healthy Pets was founded to help you make the preventive healthcare you provide even more powerful. We’ve developed tools and resources – available at no charge - that can help you build better relationships with owners and help them understand the value of preventive healthcare so that more patients can benefit from what you do best. 
Individual practice involvement is key
The Partners for Healthy Pets Practice Resources Toolbox was conceived to provide the profession with a sound mix of information and materials that collectively elevate the level of preventive care offered across the country.  Each of the tools and resources provide dynamic ways to reinforce a practice-wide focus on preventive pet healthcare.  Used collectively, they can help healthcare teams enhance communications with pet owners about the value of and need for routine care and take preventive pet healthcare to an optimum level within your own individual practice.
Make the decision to be a voice for vitality...of the veterinary profession, of your practice, and of our nation’s pets!
It’s easier than you might think
• Adopt and widely communicate Preventive Healthcare Guidelines to pet owners through your newsletters, website, and within each preventive care visit.
• Focus on communicating the value and benefit of preventive pet healthcare to pet owners at all points of contact, from receptionist to technician to veterinarian. 
• Use the tools and resources available from Partners for Healthy Pets to help find communication gaps, train staff, and gather new ideas that will compliment current programs and plans.
Partners for Healthy Pets is dedicated to ensuring that pets received the preventive healthcare they deserve through regular visits to a veterinarian and is committed to working with you to enhance the health of your patients and your practice. Learn more about Partners for Healthy Pets and explore the Resources Toolbox at www.partnersforhealthypets.org.
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