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Honorable Mention, Life as a Vet Student
Jacquelyn Horner, Georgia

For this edition's "Life as a Vet Student" category, The Vet Gazette asked readers, "Well, it’s almost 2013, proving the Mayans wrong about the end of the world. As we begin another year, what resolutions are you making, and how successful do you think you’ll be at keeping them?" Here is how one student answered:

During my travels to Chichen Itza over Thanksgiving 2012, I had the opportunity to discuss our rumored impending doom with the native Mayan descendents of the area. They quite confidently explained to me that the end of the Mayan calendar was never intended to represent the end of the world, only the end of our world as we know it. December 21, 2012 marked the end of an era and the beginning of another: a new time of human spirituality and self-discovery.           

As a tribute to the Mayan beliefs, I decided not to make any unrealistic resolutions regarding my daily activities or physical health such as: “I will go to the gym 5 days per week;” or “I will get up on the first alarm every morning;” or “I will execute portion control when I eat out.” No, I resolve to change my inner being and how I think of myself. You see, I am a people pleaser. I constantly put myself, my thoughts, and my wishes on the backburner in order to avoid confrontation. I am always concerned with what people think of me and how I can maintain interpersonal relationships with minimal friction. I’m sure that many of those reading are guilty of this.

Well, the year 2013 has arrived and it’s time for a change.

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