
Creative Corner

Dual Gouache Painting on Watercolor Paper

Submitted by Kelsey Lykins, University of Florida


Cutest Pet

Happy Easter from Jelly Bean the Dachshund

Submitted by Aniah Whitmire, Long Island University


Veterinary Student AALAS Attendance Application

The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) is providing an opportunity for veterinary students pursuing the field of laboratory animal medicine to attend the National AALAS meeting by waiving the registration fee.  AALAS is the premier source of laboratory animal information and by offering this opportunity hopes to engage veterinary students in laboratory animal science.  

 Interested applicants should submit the information outlined below to by July 31, 2022 for consideration.  The 2022 national AALAS meeting will be held in Louisville, KY October 23-27.  The meeting will only be held on site, there is no virtual option.  

If selected, applicants will be expected to provide a written summary of their meeting activities and a brief review of the meeting.  


This award only covers registration.  Those selected will be expected to support their own travel.  With the current restrictions of group gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic, AALAS has not made any final determinations on if the meeting will be held in person, but there are also plans for a virtual component to the meeting.  You can get updates on the national meeting at


Please submit the following pieces of information:

  • Name
  • School
  • Anticipated graduation date
  • If you are presenting, the title of your presentation
  • Describe your interest in attending the national meeting and what you hope to gain from the experience. Limit to 1 page.
  • Endorsement from a national AALAS member with the follwing:
    • I endorse this applicant’s participation in the National AALAS meeting and believe their activities are in line with the mission of AALAS.  
    • Name and signature of national AALAS member
    • AALAS member number
    • For students who are unable to find an AALAS member, please refer to the ASLAP student liaison list at


IVEC Scholarship Winner

SAVMA IVEC would like to highlight Sidney Smith, a rising fourth-year student at NCSU, who was awarded the IVEC International Veterinary Experience Scholarship. During Spring Break of this year, Sidney had the opportunity to attend Dr. Gregory Lewbart’s research trip to the Galapagos Islands with NCSU faculty and other third years:

“Throughout the trip I was able to assist with three research projects with our team and the Galapagos Science Center. These projects included investigating how Marine Iguanas can shrink, cross-matching sea turtle blood, and performing health assessments of Espanola Lava Lizards. For each of the projects I helped safely capture and restrain wildlife, perform full health assessments, and draw/run blood samples. On our last research day (boating from Espanola back to San Cristobal Island) our group was lucky enough to stumble upon a pod of Pilot whales, which we obtained skin samples from.

After three days of research, we had four days to finish our lab work, tour San Cristobal Island, and learn about Galapagos wildlife conservation. This experience was incredible, and our group did everything possible to make this trip a once in a lifetime opportunity. I learned so much about Galapagos wildlife, and finally had the opportunity to participate in international research fieldwork (something I have wanted to do since starting veterinary school). The trip was unforgettable, and I cannot thank SAVMA and IVEC enough for the support.”


Foot in Mouth Disease

Submitted by Madeline Vargo, University of Florida

*Click video for audio!*